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Get ready for the reborn of the phoenix in "Burning Phoenix"!


Excited to share the next release in the exciting portfolio, "Burning Phoenix". This amazing slot, forged in the depths of time and myth, will be available from the 29th of August, immersing players in a gaming experience that promises to be scorchingly epic.

Like the intense heat of this August, "Burning Phoenix" will plunge players into a world of flames and fiery challenges. Prepare to unleash the power of the phoenix in an action-packed journey, where the thrill of victory will hold players on the edge of the fire, challenging everyone to conquer every moment as the phoenix rises from the ashes.

Looking forward to sharing this unique experience. Get ready to face the flames, when "Burning Phoenix" lights up the screens and invites everyone to master the heat of the game. The legend of the phoenix is reborn, and everyone will be part of it!


To play the demo, click here.

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